Grocery List I Wish
Everyone could use more treats in their lives, especially in the middle of winter.
We hope everyone gets some special treats for Valentine’s Day today!
Fellow cartoonist Daniel Barton recently sent us this drawing of a very happy Binky. Visit Daniel’s Goober And Cindy comic strip site to follow the adventures of how a little girl (Cindy) and her alien brother (Goober) get along.
Gulls love item no. 3
Bread’s not bad. But fudge is better!
Great cartoon and a brilliant fan art drawing 🙂
Daniel did a great interpretation of Binky!
I like it a lot 🙂
Thanks Gray! 🙂
I like the way Broccoli has been crossed off. Big Cake sounds good
No one needs broccoli! But everyone would like a big cake!
These things are never quite complete without a few revisions.
Especially the way Chris writes his lists. He forgets all the good stuff!
Okay, now I have to try some of that “Wine Gums”. 🙂
You really should! Wombies can’t live without them!
They are a complete hit at our house.
See what I mean!
Fraz, Winky, you finally got your list together…perfect!
But Chris didn’t get what we wanted!
None of it?
Well he got ice cream and chocolate. And a little cake. But no fudge! Or wine gums!
Which is better than a sharp stick in the eye…IJS
Well yeah!
We don’t let Chris play with sharp sticks.
He might hurt us!
I heard that Chris has some nasty habits too 🙁
He eats some pretty icky stuff too!
Which may explain his scent.
And why he’s so grumpy all the time!
I never seen Binky happier. Love the drawing!
I think he just ate some chocolate.
I just got a screenshot of that list and whacked it on my fridge. Awesome guys
But I scrubbed out the apples, soup, bread and tuna … Replaced it with a few bottles of Shiraz
Now that’s a decent grocery order!
Yeah, we don’t need that real food stuff! I don’t know what shiraz is. But it sounds like me so it has to be good!
Shiraz would be a great wine gum flavor. Mmm.
I’d probably like it if it was a wine gum flavor!
Shiraz sounds a scrummy wine gum flavour to me 🙂
Almost anything is better as a wine gum!
What about a marmite flavoured wine gum? 🙂
I never had that. But it sounds icky!
It could be a wine wine gum
Then I probably couldn’t have any!
Wine gums would definitely be improved with a liquid center.
It works for chocolates.
It’s a fruity wine, Fraz. It’s sweet. Now the whole order sweets.
Wine?? Wine is icky. I should make some Fraziraz. It’s be sweet grape juice with strawberries and pineapple!
Mmmm, now your talkin’!
Actually I’m drinking!
Haha, Okay Fraz, pour me one too, please so I can find out how it tastes!
Here’s a big Fraziraz smoothie! I bet you’ll like it!
By the way Fraz, Happy Valentine’s, I mean Happy Chocolate Day to all of you the rest of the Wombies, Chris, the other guy (hehe) and all your guests!
Happy Valentines to you and all yours, too, Deb!
And I hope that you followed the revised shopping list. It sounds right on the money to me.
Have a terrific day and a happy Valentines day too. 🙂
Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too, Sandee!
That’s an A-list grocery list!
All the best food!
Chris’ list seemed to completely leave out the “sugar” food group. what kind of balanced diet excludes chocolate?
Chris always does that! I don’t know how he could survive if we didn’t make him buy the important stuff.
Extra??? ‘Wine Gums’ is a staple around here! Cute toon as always! W.C.C.
It is here, too! But Chris is too human to know it.
That’s some very nice penmanship. Couldn’t have been one of those two!
I can print pretty neat when food’s at stake!
There must be something cosmic going on between us because every week it seems like we have related posts!
That is rather funny. Perhaps you have Wombies but you don’t know it. I suggest you check your basement.
I think it is commendable that you left apples on the list 🙂
Apples are pretty good. And they can be covered in caramel or chocolate!
Well the important things were left off weren’t they>?
Chris always leaves off the good stuff!
Broccoli is OK…Brussel Sprouts need never be added.
I’d be happy without both of them!
I like broccoli but I LOVE chocolate. 🙂
I’ll send you all my broccoli! But you can only have part of my chocolate!
That sounds like a good deal to me. 🙂
Me too!
No big tuna-fudge cake?
Eww, I don’t think so! But you can have one if you like.
I wouldn’t mind some of that 🙂
You two can have all of it!
I will just go and find my spoon 🙂
Get a big one!
tuna mayo sarnis are good my fave are peanut butter on ryvita just now belgian choc drops melted into warm milk yummy did you know theres a bacon crisp called frazzles
I never heard of frazzles. Maybe I could make some frazzles myself. I’d make them out of chocolate though!
OMG … I must be in Wombania Heaven … Binkyyyyy … here I come 🙂
We only have the good stuff in Wombania!
Nice trick guys 😉
Did you finally get those things or Chris scratch them out?
It didn’t really fool Chris. He only got us a little cake and ice cream.
At least you got something 😉
I guess it was better than nothing.
AHahah do you guys eat Nutella?
Bought it last time when I made… crêpes. Hmmmmm. so delicious.
And thanks for writing in French too. These two little guys are almost bilingual. 😀
Nutella is yummy! And Nutella crepes sound even better! I’m not bilingual, but if I could get chocolate in two languages, maybe I should be!
HA! I do that to my wife’s shopping-list but she never falls for it… Maybe it’s my handwriting?
Chris doesn’t either. Maybe if the list was printed out on the computer they wouldn’t notice our additions.
In this strip we find out that Fraz is a health nut!
Chocolate and fudge are healthy for Wombies!
A very good list!!
I thought so! Chris didn’t.