New Scary OS
An effective computer operating system takes complete control of everything. Including the operator.
This video is the second compilation of Wombie fan art created by our great fans. Art in this video was produced between June 15 and November 3, 2012. All of the fan art can be seen on our Fan Art Gallery page.
Wow I have beaten Loon to the first comment, mind you she is at the great and wicked cherry spitting contest this week I think so I will let her off 🙂 This is a wondrously funny cartoon Peter 🙂 Brilliant…
You get the First Commenter Award for this one, Andro.
Wow where is it, I want one 🙂 lol
I hope that your Tuesday is a fine
and wickedly enjoyable one Peter 🙂
I’ll have to get Binky to make one.
What is this Ando? first commen? 4chan? heheheheheh
Yes it’s definitely a first for me Miss. R 🙂
You’ve been the first commenter many times! And very often the most prolific.
I hadn’t realised that Peter 🙂
But I will certainly be calling in
here all the time, probably on
the Crimbo breakm too 🙂 🙂
Don’t worry I will bring the Party
Hats and plenty of goodies for all
our most excellent pals here 🙂
We need to start planing for the grand Wombie Christmas party to make sure we have enough treats for everyone.
I really like this Fraz Vader by our great friend Cha, it is certainly one of my favourite paintings of him and there are loads to choose from, such as our lovely and great friend Deb who has drawn and painted so many of our wonderful Wombies 🙂 Fraz Vader leader and Alien Zombie Zapper of the Universe 🙂 Great work Cha 🙂 xxx
There certainly is an abundance of great Wombie fan art thanks to all you guys.
You are welcome Peter and just think, there is all of 2013 to look forward to, you might need a BIGGER fan art page at this rate 🙂
The page is getting rather long, but I hate to break it up into another page because then most people won’t see all of the art.
You’re right and anyone who is truly interested will be only too happy to scroll down and view them all 🙂 🙂
I hope I don’t lose to many visitors in the long journey down to the end.
Damn you Androgoth . I was sipping my coffee….OK, glass of Shiraz!!!!!
I thought you were cherry spitting.
In between that too 😉
I knew it would be a Shiraz,
but was it a red or white? 🙂
Maybe chocolate?
Yes a chocolate Shiraz I
like the idea of that one Peter 🙂
You can never get too much chocolate around here.
My daughter bought chocolate Shiraz for one of my trips to see her.
Is she part Wombie?
At least it beats the blue screen of death 🙂
I’m not sure about that.
Perhaps it will help teleport you.
I think it tried to teleport my mind to oblivion.
Seems to me your message should come with all new computers, Peter.
It probably should, but I’m sure they don’t want to scare off all their customers.
I really like how you put this video of the fan art together, and I adore the painting Cha did of Fraz Vadar…her best ever! And all the paintings you have of Andro’s, those are always so humorous! The list of artist goes on, so everyone should take a look a the video and gallery.
There is a lot of great fan art artists, and you’ve produced more than anyone, Deb.
Yes and Deb produces some excellent Wombie art work too 🙂 I have been enjoying the dancing Flamingo and Piggy at Deb’s Space, very funny those Peter 🙂
Deb seems to have about a thousand different styles, all of which are great.
Thanks Peter! 🙂
Yes I totally agree 🙂
Thank you, Andro! 🙂
You are brilliant Deb there is no doubts about that and Peter is right you can turn your hand to anything artistic 🙂 Cool…
There ARE no doubts either 🙂 lol
Thanks you, Andro.
I guess it depends on which way the wild hair is pointing that day. 🙂 🙂
Now here, have a big milkshake…big enough to share with Fraz. 🙂
You must obey, you must obey…
Do not think, just buy buy buy!
Once purchased you can now enjoy the love/hate relationship.
And all the frustration that goes with it.
Funny how we buy frustration these day…lol
It pretty much comes standard with most technology-based items.
You know Binky, if you can invent something that is aggravating yet fun, you could be a billionaire.
Agravating yet fun. . . that sounds like Winky.
Maybe you ought to mass produce him.
That’s a frightening thought.
I know, but he’s so sweet, and would be an easy sell. 🙂
You’re probably right. I wonder how Winky would feel about us selling copies of him?
I don’s know…Let’s ask him.
How do you feel about copies of you being sold for profit?
Like what kind of copies? Chocolate mes? Or like a clone copy? That would be kind of creepy!
Well, I guess from what Binky and I were talking about he would have to clone you somehow. He can keep one copy for you to do your chores…how cool is that.
Then all the other copies of you would make lots of money…billions. Ah, btw…that would by the world supply of chocolate. 😉
Another me to do my chores would be good!! But I still don’t know. With a whole bunch of Winkys out there, I don’t know if there’d be enough chocolate to feed us all!
Hmm, that is a problem.
Let find out what Binky can do about that.
@Binky…Well Binky, have you got a solution to this?
Every great plan has its problems. I’m not sure I could clone Winky anyway, so maybe we’ll have to postpone this for a while.
Well Binky, I guess it will be back to your rockets then, and I’ll get started on fixing breakfast.
Maybe if I cloned myself, I could finish my rocket project much faster.
That an idea too, but just one more of you…we don’t want the world to run out of chocolate.
Yes, one or two more of me should be plenty.
I never think but I am too poor to buy 🙁
Sometimes that’s a good thing. Too many are distracted by excess stuff.
I will say that I like this user interface better than the new Windows 8 😉
That probably wouldn’t be too hard.
I don’t think I would like this kind of new operating system either. Not one bit.
Have a terrific day filled with chocolate. 🙂
As long as we buy it, they probably don’t care whether or not we like it.
‘I’m afraid I can’t do that, Binky…’
*in my best HAL*
HAL would want you to, though.
You should be affraid of anything new.
Remember, change is bad! 😛
In operating systems, change often is bad.
Must be an Apple OS 😉
I don’t think I should say.
All your computer are belong 2 us!
I think they would like to own us if they could.
!!!!!!!!!!!! Great Vid xxxx 🙂 yay 🙂
the spiral computer – 🙂 🙂 🙂
That’s How i feel after the end of the day !!!!! 🙂
love u guys xx 15 days til Christmas ……..
I just put the cheesiest snowflake stickers on my windows ——— CHEEEZY 🙂
when in doubt – decorate with stickers 🙂
Have a brilllllllll week xoxoxo
It must be more than 15 days till Christmas because I don’t have anything done yet.
And there’s nothing wrong with snowflake stickers.
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
You can get them at the dollarama !!!!!!!!!!
they are super cute ——————–
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i can pretend it’s snowing ….:)
i’m trying to record a version of Silent Night into my computer – speaking of computers !!!!!!!!
lol ……….
🙂 🙂 🙂
here are some snowflake stickers for YOU XX
Hopefully your computer will cooperate and not try to hypnotize you.
I like pretend snow stickers a lot better than real snow.
I love snow 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
I like snow for Christmas, but then I wouldn’t mind if it disappeared.
I have not decorated with trimmings or even added a crimbo tree yet but there is plenty of time for that Peter 🙂
Going out to do a little Christmas shopping today. Hopefully I will survive.
Better get going, Andro, I hear the skeletons are getting anxious.
I still haven’t trimmed up but I have managed to put my Crimbo stocking
on the wall just in case Santa drops
in with a sack full of pressies 🙂
I hope it’s a big stocking! Maybe you should add another one just in case it isn’t big enough.
Good thing I can’t use computers!
You wouldn’t want to be lured into their evilness.
Good thing I can’t use computers!
But computers can always use you.
That’s pretty scary Bink!!
Hmmm…I can use that for my story 😉
It could be a pretty scary story.
If I do make a short from that…I’ll make sure I tell everyone I get the idea from you 😉
I should tell you that I like writing scary stories.
Thanks, Novroz. I know you like reading and writing scary stories.
Look out Binky! The computer has you in it’s clutches!
I was lucky to escape with my wits.
I suddenly feel the need to buy an expensive new OS… 🙂
Resist the urge, Marieke!
That is exactly the way it was when I upgraded to Vista. I almost didn’t survive that one.
You’re lucky you did survive. Vista was pretty brutal. Windows 7 was bad enough.
Hey my Windows 7
works okay thank you 🙂 lol
Mind you the newer version
looks a lot better 🙂
The Windows 7 interface is pretty good, it’s just that some of my key programs don’t work in it.
Yes I have some that
are not compatible also 🙁
Never mind it won’t spoil
our wine gum and pancake
party so who cares 🙂
I always keep my wine gums away for the computer just as a precaution.
I thought that this was a warning for the new Windows 8 system. 😛
It might be. I don’t think I should say.
Coward. 😛
Not smart to cut your nose off despite your face. Especially when one has such a large nose.
I hope that Pinocchio isn’t reading this one or else it could turn a bit on the wicked side 🙁
I could use some firewood. . .
OUCH 🙁 lmao
Pinocchio has left the building!
It reminds me of The Fly. Will a Wombia transform into an insect with this program?
I should hope not!
Whew. Thought this might be 8 bit!
Luckily you’re travelling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That’s the signpost up ahead – your next stop, the Wombie Zone!”
Back when they made really good TV!
My wombat merchandise shop is actually called
The Wombat Zone
Perfect! WANT Red’s bag and a T-shirt. Gonna do some holiday shopping wombie style 🙂
Btw… there’s a Wine Gum post awaiting your approval….
The Wombies actually have their own section of the shop called Wombie World
Glad you got the wine gums! Try not to eat them all at once!
Noooo save some for me too Rachael 🙂 xxx
I don’t think there’s much hope of that, Andro.
No, me neither
but I live in hope 🙂
Good luck with that!
That would certainly be a bad thing if mind control was possible, unless it was used to lose weight, then I think we could justify it.
The Weight Loss Operating System. That would probably be quite popular.
I feel strangely compelled to switch to this new operating system. And buy a dozen chocolate covered donuts, for some reason…
Resist, resist! That’s what they want you to do!
Wonderful!! Now I have to go to the gallery because it went by too fast to read the ones that had dialogue! Loved the art.
It was difficult to get all that art in the video, so if you want to see them better, you have to visit the Art Gallery.
I did, and it was wonderful!! Makes me wish I could draw!!
Glad you liked them, Barb.
I think if I were them, I would be very, very afraid. But, I am always afraid I am going to do something really stupid and kill my computer!!
I think computers make you feel like that on purpose so they can control you.
Try re-starting.
Or re-formatting.
It is magical!
That’s what the computer wants you to think!
Hi Indrani 🙂
a hypnotized machine!!! how cool is that!!
First the computer hypnotizes you, and then it tries to control you.
Hello Kroten 🙂
hi uncle Andro 🙂
Must…buy… more… operating… systems!
One can never have too many operating systems. At least according to some software companies.
Yikes! It may be time to shut down the computer and go back to using an abacus!
Or Linux.
You know the computer is watching your every move. They will take over the world one day. Then they will turn on us.
They might, but I will fight them to the end! Using my computer, of course.
Got your comment about wantin’ a copy of my stories. Send me an email to and I will send you the .pdf.
I hope that you are
feeling much better
today Bo 🙂
Will do, Bo.
Very cool video, Peter. Glad to see my little ones in it, too. So many terrific artists.
Thanks, Red. I have a lot of great and talented fans.
I’m not sure, that it’s operating system… but it can be 😉
It’s an operating system that wants to take over operating us.