Hey Chris pay toll or I will call the Wombie police I am with Winky
other wise what is next you don’t pay toll to breath??
what a brilliant idea Winky may be I should start it here too
In my country it happens in real. Ie. when some road is going through somebody’s field, they are closing it, and are demanding money for crossing it Not funny at all. All because of disorder in law.
Sleep in Dave?
He must not of had his wine gums this morning. I guess he never does, actually.
I ate a nice German pastry today. Flaky, fluffy and sweet. 🙂
That sounds just like me!
I did. It was my day off and I was a little under the weather. I’m better now.
Can’t believe I got beat by a loon… and all those other fine people underneath this comment 😐
You need to eat more chocolate. That keeps me healthy!
Eating chocolate certainly makes me happy!
I think eating chocolate makes everyone happy!
You got to get up pretty early to catch the loon
Guess I never could catch you, then!
Loon you bet Dave, well done 🙂 xxxx
Pavement toll troll 😉
I’m not a troll! I’m a Wombie!
Yeah, but it doesn’t rhyme with toll 🙁 How’s about a toll troll Wombie?
I like that! I should make up a sign!
I know quite a few signs 🙂
I know all the road driving signs!
Need to get one of the light up numbers with the catch-all at the bottom for the toll money.
I’d like one of those! I think people would pay me then!
Maybe he should stake out a part of the Mall. There is a lot more traffic there.
Wow… I got here Early this time.
That’s a good idea! The mall has more people and more treats!
As I recall, they have counter that serve cookies only!
That’s my kind of counter!
I guess you must have had your wine gums this morning!
You have to start with a police force before you can enforce a toll. I learned that the hard way…
Really? I didn’t know. Would a hat and a badge be good enough?
YOU SHALL NOT PASS (without ten dollars, anyway)!!!
That’s what I said! But no one took me seriously.
He’s working for the government now? Just asking since that’s the way they do business.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
I don’t think I am. Maybe I should set up my own government.
That is an excellent idea. They spend without worrying about actually having the money on hand.
Really? I can do that too!
I think Fraz could even help you with that one!
Yeah I bet he’d like to be the king of Chocolate Land!
I guess right now it’s an optional toll!
It’s not supposed to be! But no one is paying up!
I’ll give you a milkshake to let me pass, Winky!
Okay! But you don’t really have to pay, Deb!
A Wombie government would be much better than what we have now.
Fraz always wanted to be the president prime minister king!
Pay up or get clobbered by Winky.
I don’t know if I could clobber anyone! I’d probably just give them a sad look.
Aw, well I’d have to make you smile with some of Fraz’s frazos!
They’d make me happy!
$10 Dollars!? Wait, Canadian or US Dollars?
Either one’s okay! I’m not fussy!
I have to turn all my dollars into Euros, which means I lose $1.34 for every Euro I need. 🙁
I’ll have to pay you in wine gums if I ever run across your toll.
Wine gums are good! I’ll accept wine gums!
What is your exchange rate?
I don’t know. Maybe four bags of wine gums to pass. Or one of those giant bags!
That is a pretty good deal. Just think of all the wine gums!
I am! Now I’m all excited! And hungry!
Well, it looked good on paper, right Winky?
I thought it looked pretty good on the sidewalk, too!
I have parties just so I can charge a toll to my house.
That’s a really good idea!
My dads house was really close to the coliseum. Every year when the fair came around he’d let people park in his yard…For a fee of course. 😉
Too bad we aren’t close to anything good like that!
I guess if one person forks over $10, he’s in business.
Do you want to be the first to give me $10?
10 bucks!!!
I would’ve at least gone for 15 then by the time Chris haggles you down you’ll most likely get 10
I didn’t really think about that. Maybe if I change it to $20, they’ll think it’s a real bargain when I’ll let them pass for only $10!
You need a sign which says, “1/2 price today only!”
A toll sale! That should get people buying! Or paying!
Think of all the people who only buy when things are on sale! You should put your toll right outside a shopping center.
I could be a millionaire if I did that! People go crazy for a sale at the mall!
Look here I don’t have any money. I do have chocolate dollars. Oops I ate it I’ll see you on the other side. lol
Could you get some more chocolate dollars? I’ll wait!
You could mint your own chocolate dollars for your government in your chocolate factory.
Wow, those are really good ideas! I need to take some notes! I could have chocolate everything!
Maybe Binky will let you borrow his recorder so you can say all of your notes into it.
I’ll have to make a note of that to ask him!
Hmmm…Winky should have gotten some tips from the trolls in Billy Goat’s Gruff or the Halloween costume shop 😉
Reminds me of when young and how we’d lay claim to tables and chairs at school…no need to spray paint names either 😉
I wonder if I could claim all the chairs in the kitchen? Then anytime someone sat down to eat I could make money!
Okay…but mums the word on whose idea it was 😛 Don’t want a group of angry wombats after me!!
I won’t tell anyone, don’t worry!
Maybe he should lower his price
I might have to. I haven’t made any money so far!
Winky would do real well on the River Styx!
I’d rather be on the river chocolate!
Buahahaha at Sandee’s comment that I just happened to see scrolling down!!
If you just gave the government all your money, they’d be happy.
Good try Winky! 🙂
Yeah, but no money yet!
Oh, you go Winky!
I’m trying to, but no one’s paying up!
When I adopt a pair of Wombies (through this site), I’ll pay a $30 toll: $20 for the pair, the $10 for Winky. 🙂
Oh boy! Thanks, Christopher!
I’ll split the money with Fraz and Twink!
Just bill me, Winky. 🙂
Okay, I will. I hope you’re good for it!
How else will they pay for snow matinence?
I charge extra for that! Snow shovelling is hard work!
Why not? pretty good idea!
Clever wombies… 😉
I thought it was a good idea, too! But no one else seemed to.
Hey Chris pay toll or I will call the Wombie police I am with Winky
other wise what is next you don’t pay toll to breath??
what a brilliant idea Winky may be I should start it here too
I think you should call the police! Chris didn’t listen and still hasn’t paid!
Cool idea! I think i ought to do the same, it can help me increasing my saving in the bank 😉
That’s what I thought. But it didn’t really work out too well for me. I hope you do better!
Maybe you can use a gate or something and you will open the gate only after he paid
That might work. Then I could have a little ticket booth where I could watch TV and stuff!
great idea – I’m off to make a sign 😆
I have to warn you I didn’t make much money, though!
We could make one together if you like? 🙂
Sure! Maybe we should try a sidewalk with more people, though.
In my country it happens in real. Ie. when some road is going through somebody’s field, they are closing it, and are demanding money for crossing it Not funny at all. All because of disorder in law.
No, that wouldn’t be very good. Unless you’re the one collecting the tolls.
Hire someone to break some thumbs and it won’t sound so ridiculous!
I couldn’t do that! Maybe if I just stare at them, mad like.