Soup For Lunch
If you’re a Wombie, you never have to remember to bring a can-opener on a camping trip.
Our friend and fellow cartoonist Tony McGurk invited Winky down to Tasmania to visit his cousin Ed the wombat. No one told Winky how difficult it might be to see Ed, however. You can see Tony’s original posting of the cartoon on his Out The Bush website which features a number of different cartoon series that Tony draws.
Discussion (99) ¬
If Chris ever loses his can opener around the house, it is good to know he has a backup.
I dunno if I want to be used as a can opener!
So what you are saying is that the power of your teeth are a little overkill for soft chocolate?
We can chew through anything!
Yes and you munch your way through
most things, that we ALL know about 🙂
I’d like to munch through some potato chips!
Got a bag for your right here! 🙂
Yay! Thanks Aunt Deb!
Your welcome, Fraz! 🙂
We can watch a movie together and eat our chips!
I’d like that, Fraz…thank you!
We just have to pick out a good movie to watch!
Not a Chick Flick though…
No something with explosions and car chases!
You linked to Tony. That’s like trying to hit a moving target.
To Tony’s credit he has been at Out the Bush for a little while now.
And yet, you linked to his underpants.
*shakes head* 😉
He’s been there a while, but he switched back and forth a number of times during that time, and when he posted this cartoon, it was at the other site. I corrected the link.
He can thank me later. I guess I’m now known as the blog linking nazi.
Maybe you could revoke Tony’s URL changing license.
If I only had that POWER! Mwahahaha!
I’m sure you would use it only for good.
I was experimenting with adding what looks like a post to my site and then redirecting it to your site.
If you look at my site you will see a post titled
“What This One Kid Found in His Lunch Bag Left Him Utterly Shocked!”
It links back to this post.
I thought I would offer you a clickbait title. 🙂
Thanks, Dave. That’s pretty funny. And I hope it gets some bites!
Me too, I don’t really need more traffic and I hope you get more.
Half of what I just said is a LIE!
I wonder which half?
No one has that power Mwahahahaha!!!
No, but we can dream!
Well that was a short dream. You changed your URL again!
I was coming to let you know about the change but seems you already know.
It was inevitable I suppose. At least Tony is just switching back and forth between the two URLs now.
Just noticed that your link in this post to my site is wrong Peter. I don’t understand why you have so much trouble keeping up… 😀
I should’ve learned from past decisions that I get too many other ideas that won’t work with my OTB theme. But then again I read comics that focus on just one theme like yours, Flatt Bear, Zombie Boy to name a few then think that I should be doing the same. So I change then have more ideas that won’t work within the OTB framework.
I have noticed though that for some reason I get a lot more traffic when I’m using the Atomic Underpants site compared to OTB.
I need to get Binky to devise some sort of rotating URL javascript that keeps up with your move and keeps my links current. You know, on your domain name control panel, you could redirect your visitors to your current URL, and when you change, you could change the redirect. Then your links would always point to you no matter where you end up!
I have a redirect with wildcard set up for OTB it redirects the main domain but for some reason it doesn’t redirect specific posts.
I think once everyone knows where I am now I will delete the hosting for OTB then I can’t go back thus forcing me to stay put.
Is that really wise??
Only if he migrates what he intends to keep…
I hope he did. It would be a shame to lose all his past work.
That’S how they take down wild mushroom soups!
They can’t escape from me!
OH no, why did you have to tell Fraz that? Those teeth could be a weapon of mass destruction…in the pantry 🙁
No chocolate bar was safe before but now Fraz can get his fangs into anything that he likes, so watch out for that next Loon 🙂 xxx
Nothing is safe from me now!
We knew your fangs would
develop, but not as fast as this…
That’s because I’m really working on it!
Hey that’s a good idea!
Those trainee Vampy fangs
come in use for all kinds of things
don’t the Fraz? 🙂
Yep! I use them all the time!
You can even use them to
slice bacon or the ears off
zombies 🙂
Well I dunno if I wanna do that!
I like the blue background
colour on this cartoon Peter,
it projects Winky and Fraz
right into the scene, and I
like that a lot 🙂 Great work
as usual Peter 🙂
It’s kind of a funky, psychedelic pattern. It looks like Fraz scribbled on the walls.
I like the scribbling patterns 🙂
Chris didn’t!
Party pooper.
Maybe Chris needs more coffee or something.
Let me help you out there. I just made a fresh pot.
I’ll tell Chris to drop over!
How cool. I love Tony’s work very much.
Have a fabulous day. 🙂
I think this cartoon of Tony’s was one of his best.
Ouch, but hey if it works! 😉
It works pretty good and it doesn’t even hurt!
Oh, my mom would cringe at this strip!
Most moms everywhere! And dentists, too.
Aha! Another life mystery is solved!
You can call me Can Opener Fraz!
Well that is handy! 🙂 I always like the pull=top cans, I”m glad they’re using those for soup and things pretty regularly now. 🙂
Those are good if you don’t have a Wombie handy.
I wish Fraz gives me company for my next picnic 🙂
I’ll come with you! I really like picnics!
I never knew how much a wombat could come in handy while going camping. I’ll keep that in mind for next time!
You just have to pack extra chocolate for us!
That’s gotta hurt!
Not really. Our teeth are tough!
You can do it, Fraz, just bite all the way around the can.
I did! It was easy. And fun!
You could bring cans of chocolate syrup to school with you for dessert
I will! Chocolate syrup goes good on everything! Even potato chips!
I’ll start you off with your fist case of chocolate syrup.
That should get me through tonight!
Tony did a great job on Winky! 🙂
Tony did! And he sure made Winky work for it!
Love the expression on Fraz’s face in the second panel.
Thanks, Deb. I think ti could have been better.
Nah, he looks good in that panel.
Omg, I’m jealous now. I wanna be a Wombie!!!
I’ll teach you how to do it Cha!
He’d be good to take camping.
I’ll come camping with you if you bring chocolate!
Biting into a can??? Ouch. It makes my teeth tingle just thinking about it. Thanks for the shout out Peter.
I love soup ‘cos it’s just so super soupy.
Soup is good
Soup is great
Get some soup
on your plate
(actually soup goes better in a bowl but bowl didn’t rhyme)
I have tough teeth! So it doesn’t hurt!
You’re welcome, Tony. Your comic strip was great. Even Winky though so, despite the ordeal you put him through.
Too funny but I guess their teeth are pretty strong. School needs to progress with the Wombie times. 🙂
They never teach you anything useful at school!
ah!! I never thought of that too
It’s probably not good for humans to try though! You don’t have strong Wombie teeth!
I never liked those dentist’s school….. they only good in making sums up. Not surprise no one manage to open a can of soup
A Wombie’s teeth are much stronger than a human’s teeth. I guess that’s why there are no Wombie dentists!