Tagging Wombies
GENUS: Vombatus?
SPECIES: Unknown
LENGTH: 51 cm
WEIGHT: 14.5 kg
AGE: Approx. 8 yrs
COLORATION: Light tan, white spots
LOCATION: Valley forest trail
SPECIMENS COLLECTED: blood, skin, hair, claws, saliva
NOTES: Unusual creature. Never before seen. May be a new species. Habitat unknown. Odd behavior. Seems to like chocolate. Further study warranted.
Our friend Andro drew a picture of Fraz and Bearman for Bearman’s Bearman’s Charity Challenge. Add a post about the challenge on your blog, and make Bearman cough up $5. Visit his website for the details. Andro’s original post can be seen on his Bearman Challenge 2014 post.
Discussion (97) ¬
Big Brother has installed a microchip in your ear…
Really? Are they trying to control me or something??
I think Andro is talking about Bearman & not Fraz.
I don’t know what Bearman really is. I don’t think anyone does!
Hey that sounds like a fun advenmture Fraz errr… I mean Wombie #7652
P.S. I had a tagging the critters comic idea in mind for Out The Bush. Ya beat me too it. Now I wanna complain about Pre-Plagiarism…
Please connect me to your complaints Dept.
Some ideas are just out there. This one is actually four years old.
All complaints can be sent to complaints at tonymcgurk dot com.
Wait, you’re telling that if I want to complain about anything I just need to head on over to Tony’s site!? Why am I just finding out about this?
Yes, that is correct. Tony is the head of the world’s complaint department. All complaints should be forwarded to him.
What time zone does he work it? I want to make sure I call him in his middle of the night 🙂
Tony is in the Australian Eastern Time Zone (UTC+10:00). I’m sure he’ll appreciate your thoughtfulness.
It was kinda fun! I dunno if I wanna do it again though.
OMG Fraz I hope they aren’t culling! Run, wombies, run
You think they’re after us? They probably want our chocolate!
We’re all after your chocolate too, but we know that you would gladly share it too so here have one of my fudge lollipops and a large bag of marshmallows 🙂 Enjoy…
I always like to share my chocolate with my friends! I just don’t like meanies who try to steal it.
We should have a chocolate break party!
Yes let’s have a chocolate party, I will bring the milkshakes that Deb prepared and some extra lollipops for you and Winky 🙂
OK! I’ll bring some pizzas too!
I don’t think you get tagged for your chocolate….keep running.
No? You mean they’re after me?? I’m running I’m running!
Next time take a few of the tamer Zombies with you, I don’t think those tagging people will mess with you when those are around 🙂
Maybe we could train the zombies to chase the tagging people away!
Oh no! you being spied on, Fraz!
Maybe I should hide out at my beach house!
Good idea! Maybe you can even set out a few zombies out on the perimeter of you property to keep the spies out!
I’m not sure I trust the zombies though. Maybe they’re the ones who are spying on me!
I don’t think so, Fraz. The only thing zombie can do is eat flesh….they’re, well, stupid.
OK that’s good! Zombies are still kinda scary though.
Yes they are, and they’ll keep the spies at bay.
Yeah I bet spies are just as scared of zombies as we are!
They are if they have flesh. Hey, I wonder if they’d leave you alone if Winky sent them a bunch of chocolate.
We tried that before. Zombies are too stupid to like chocolate!
No, offer it to the spies. 🙂
Oh! That might work! Spies are pretty smart.
Those spies are everywhere Deb so we will need to protect our little Frazzie next time 🙂
I think I need to put on my James Bond Fraz glasses!
We can’t let them get Frazzie…..break out the Zombies to surround his beach property, Andro!
But what if the zombies attack me instead of the spies??
Fraz is such a trend setter!
I try to be!
7652….my lucky number!
Mine too! I think.
Oh no, you’ve been tagged. Literally. Bwahahahahahahaha.
Have a fabulous day filled with chocolate. 🙂
I think I should get some extra chocolate for being tagged!
Wait a minute! I have one of those earrings! :OP
You must be cool like me then!
Yeah, I get compliments all the time. Err, they’re more like complaints, really.
They must be super uncool people to complain about you!
I had the same experience once.
I guess someone likes giving out free earrings!
Wow 7692 wombies tagged ???? – There are a lot more ‘wine-gum’ consumers than I thought.
I dunno if that’s how many Wombies they tagged. I’m the only one I know with the cool earring!
They tagged Fraz. They want to watch and see how y’all make those rockets. lol
Maybe they do! I better tell Binky to be on the lookout for spies!
Tell him to be causious of strangers with chocolate.
Yeah spies are sneaky like that!
Looks like Fraz was not the first. There were 7691 before you to be tagged.
I wonder who else got tagged? No one that I know!
Oh boy! Now they can follow your migrations from the refrigerator to the couch and back!
I dunno if I like to be tracked!
Wow that’s one way of getting noticed and a snazzy colour too. I wonder if they do a chocolate version??
If they did I would’ve already eaten it!
Don’t worry Fraz I will help
you eat that chocolate earing 🙂
I don’t think the one I have is chocolate though. I think it’s metal. It doesn’t taste very good.
We will get that one off and then you can eat all the chocolate one’s that I am bringing over, there’s plenty so don’t worry about eating them all in one go 🙂
OK that sounds yummy! I am kinda hungry!
Thank you for adding my Bearman Charity 2014 drawing Peter, I am actually moving that into my Extra Pages in the Header 🙂
My basic artistry always looks better on your website too so thanks a lot my great friend 🙂
You’re welcome, Andro. It’s always nice to put up your art here. I couldn’t find the new page location on your site, so if you give me the link I can fix it.
I was supposed to add it yesterday and then I got side-tracked, but as soon as I have added it back on I will let you know, or you can check in my header, I will add the title as Bearman C/C/2014 🙂
I’ll keep a watch for it.
Cool earring! Maybe you should spike your hair and throw on a leather jacket as well.
I’ve had spiked hair like forever!
All you need now is one of those leatherneck flying jackets and a pair of goggles, white scarf and… Oh an a duel winged aeroplane to go with it, we could even get you a tri-plane like the Red Baron and that will be cool 🙂
That would make me even cooler than I am now! If I have one of those planes I could have dogfights with the bad guys!
Good point. I didn’t look down far enough to see your spikes. I see them now 🙂
Are you saying I’m little? I might have to bite your ankle for that!
Wow! That is a cool earring.
I thought so! Maybe you could get one too if you walked through the park!
Gah!! That my friend, is not an earring.
It’s not??
It’s getting a lot warmer as summer approaches so maybe we should organise a beach party of Fraz Island 🙂
That’d be a good idea! We should have a beach party this weekend!
Maybe Fraz is one of the wombies selected for a long trip to Mars. Congrats Fraz.
Really?? That would be awesome!!
TAG…you’re it
I’m the IT Wombie!
Hey how come I never saw Andro’s pic until today? Where you been hiding that thing?
The picture was on Andro’s site, then he moved it. A copy is on my site here: https://www.comics.wombania.com/fan-art-fraz-and-bearman-by-andro/
Andro has since put the picture back on his blog at http://andro54.wordpress.com/bearman-cc2014/
I’m getting one of those for my cat.
Then your cat can be cool like me!
Fraz will be abducted by aliens next……watch out for little grey men 😉
That would be cool! I think.
Andro’s drawing is awesome! 🙂 And by the way… poor Fraz. That earring… I already know what you’re gonna publish on Monday… ‘How to treat an infected ear piercing’. 😀
Chris took my earring out! He said it wasn’t really an erring and he didn’t want me tracked. I thought it was cool!
Cool earring…I haven’t wore earring for ages, maybe I can borrow yours
Sure you can borrow it! I only have one though.