Toboggan Challenge by Peter Marinacci on January 24, 2019 at 12:00 am Chapter: Comics Binky is the fastest Wombie on earth. And in space, too. └ Tags: binky, fraz, race, rockets, snow, tobbagan, winky, winter
He means business!
I do not like to lose.
Binky is the fastest Wambat on the planet. Just don’t ask him to turn!
Turning is not the easiest. Neither is stopping.
Good idea, Fraz.
I didn’t expect Binky to cheat!
Wile Coyote called. Says this means war…
I bet Binky can beat him, too!
I want Binky on my team. 🙂
Try giving him some chocolate!
good to know 😀
Binky likes to win!
World’s fastest wombat!
That is one of my goals.
No, he always wins… lol
Especially when he uses rockets!
He’s To-bog-GONE!
He sure was!