Unauthorized Viewing by Peter Marinacci on April 17, 2023 at 12:01 am Chapter: Comics You never know what they’re watching these days. └ Tags: chris, documentary, fraz, twink, youtube
I’m not sure sure about that. You did make me laugh out loud.
Have a fabulous day and week filled with chocolate. 🙂
Maybe Fraz hit his head?
Was it a documentary about chocolate?
Amazingly, no.
Fraz was just doing his homework in an efficient manner. It is much easier to watch the YouTube video than do all of that reading.
That would make sense, even though Fraz tries to avoid homework as much as possible.
Especially with Fraz!
Are you sure it was educational? 🙂
It was. That’s the truly shocking part!
Maybe he fell asleep with his eyes open?
That’s probably more believable!
I bet it was Binky wearing a custom made Fraz costume just to mess with Twink’s head.
That would explain it!
Gotta keep a close eye on those males Twink
Yeah, they’re always up to something!
Hey I left 3 or 4 comments yesterday on a few comics but only one of them remains…
Where’d they go???
Oh they’ve reappeared now. That’s weird.
Drats… The Spam checkbox got me.
OK I’ll tick the damn box then…
It’s a problem with my site, not your comments. My site doesn’t update for some reason, and I often have to refresh the browser to get it to display the latest comments. I’ve tried to fix it, but nothing I’ve done has alleviated the problem.