Blowing Up Tires
There’s more than one way to blow up a tire.
Our artist friend Doron hasn’t been able to win the coveted “Wombania First Commenter Extra Special Super Deluxe Mega Chocolate Trophy” yet, so he painted a picture of two of our commenters who have won the prize in the past, Dave of 8-Bit Nerds, and Andro from his On The Edge blog. One day, Doron might win the trophy and be able to retire and live happily ever after.
Good one Binky. Chris should be more specific 🙂
Hey Loon you have hit the sweet spot again, you get earlier and earlier these days, but one of these mornings I will be on the top spot collecting the first prize for getting here quicker than anyone else 🙂 Yaaaaaay
Have you had a nice weekend my
sweet friend? I hope so Loon 🙂 xxxx
Second place again! Poor Andro.
Yes and even third place today, there is a lot of interest in the 1st prize chocolate trophy these days Peter, but I will be collecting it one of these mornings for sure 🙂 Yaaaaay
You’re going to have to devise a better strategy to win as the competition picks up. Maybe some late night chocolate eating or something.
Hey Andro, I have this enormous pile of chocolate for you…oh wait… I have a small pile of chocol …oh never mind 🙂 Everyday is a weekend Androgoth 🙂
You eat your chocolate almost as fast as a Wombie!
Hmm… A small pile of chocolate, well I will definitely take it, I am forgetting what it tastes like with you and Dave taking all the glory, but I will be getting here sooner, just you wait and see 🙂 lol
Have a wonderful Thursday Loon 🙂 xxxx
You can always visit my chocolate factory, Andro! Lots of free chocolate there.
Humans rarely say what they mean.
If ever.
OK it is the Loon I am just start scrubbing it all and redoing it… Any chocolate for hard work here?
There’s chocolate even for non-work around here.
Loon is often the first commenter. She’s a very early bird!
Wow Binky certainly blew those tyres out and with pinpoint accuracy too, you would have thought that Chris would have been impressed with Binky’s aiming skills at least 🙂
Chris is not impressed with most things I do. I believe something is wrong with him.
Yes he is in denial, it’s not your fault that you are a genius with everything you put your paws to 🙂
Perhaps that is what it is. Maybe Chris could benefit from some therapy.
I like the likeness of Dave and I in this new painting from our fine artist and good friend Doron, perhaps it will be Doron on the top spot soon, collecting his chocolate 1st prize trophy and hopefully sharing it out.
As we all know, the Wombies are well known for sharing out their chocolate and wine gums 🙂 Yaaaay
Yes, Doron did a great job of your portraits.
Andro I don’t know about the others but if you all fall a sleep for few days I can get the first spot and share the chocolate with you… I bet with you Deb will make a special pill for us…
Maybe you could send them all a sleeping potion and be the first commenter tomorrow!
You will get here first one day, not sure when but certainly one day Doron, and when you do expect Loon, Dave and myself to be cadging your first prize chocolate treats 🙂 lol
A lesson for Chris about being specific with his requests
Specificity is not Chris’s strong suit.
I though Loon would have the coveted 1st position on the podium. I think it’s called a podium anyway
Perhaps Loon slept in on the day day Doron made his painting.
And yes, it is podium.
It was me Tony. I didn’t rig the race at all.
No race rigging here. Not without some serious chocolate bribes at least.
Tony, Loon usually hits the sweet spot every time Peter posts his new cartoons but that 1st place trophy won’t be hers forever, oh no, we, that is everyone in Wombania is after her knowledge, the uniqueness of getting here first and claiming the 1st prize chocolate trophy 🙂
Maybe even you will get it one of these mornings, the chocolate trophy I mean 🙂 lol
I’d like to get the chocolate trophy too, but I don’t qualify!
Hey! That is a very nice picture Doron. 🙂 I look so proud of myself. 🙂
Thank for the linkback Peter.
You do look a little smug, don’t you?
You’re welcome, Dave.
Thanks Dave it is double chocolate on Wednesday I’ll give you my address 🙂
Double chocolate?? I hope I’m invited too!
This one is Chris’ fault. Should have used the word ‘air’. Come on Chris, get it together. 😉
Chris often does not say what he means, and then he gets upset when we do what he told us to do.
You gotta be more specific with Binky! 😉
I rather doubt Chris has learned that, though.
That would have been my guess!
I’m glad someone agrees.
You have to be very specific with a wombat. Vague isn’t going to get it. Bwahahahahahahaha.
Have a fabulous day. 🙂
Especially since English can be interpreted so many different ways.
Specificity is the soul of narrative.
A lesson Chris needs to learn.
At least there were no big explosives nearby.
I keep all my explosives safely in the basement.
That’s going to be an expensive fix.
I think Chris needed new tires anyway.
At least it was only the tires. 🙂
Well if he had said blow up the car, it wouldn’t have been.
Next time, Chris, use the word “inflate”! :OP
Next time I will!
I’m afraid Chris was not clear. Maybe you should have just asked him to put air in the tires. 🙄
I probably shouldn’t have asked him to do anything at all!
You have to handle Wombie like children. Like when you want them to take a shower. You have to say get in the shower, turn on the water, get under the running water to get wet all over, pick up the soap, later the soap all over, rinse the soap off with the water, turn off the water, get out of the shower, grab a towel, dry off your body with the towel, and so on, and on, an on.
I resent that implication! I think this is the way one must treat humans if one wants consistent results.
…and Wombies. Trust me, I have 6 of them.
Well, perhaps young immature Wombies.
Which mine are.
You only did exactly what Chris told you to do. He used the wrong choice of words.
That is what I said, though Chris disagreed.
He has the right to be wrong
And he exercises that right frequently.
He must be pretty good at is by now.
I would say Chris is an expert.
We don’t say “blow” when talking about tires where I come from… It’s his fault.
It most definitely is.
See, I’ll have to tell my husband that I’m not the only one who has these types of misunderstandings!
People need to be more clear when giving instructions!
Binky is incorrigible! And cute. It’s the classic bad boy attraction thing I got going for him. 🙂
Doron’s artwork is fantastic and funny!
I do not believe anyone has referred to me as a bad boy before.
Hahahahaha! Well- now you have. 🙂
Maybe I should get a black leather jacket.
Absolutely! 🙂
Thanks pam
Rockets come in handy in so many ways!
They certainly do. Everyone should be well equipped with an arsenal of rockets.
I like the watercolor painting Doron did. He captured Andro, Dave, and himself very well.
Doron did a great job of capturing their likenesses.
Thanks Deb… but now I have to change it Dave fell asleep so I need to put Frigginloon… Hope no one is going to find Dave ‘donation’…
Well the awards were accurate at the time you did your painting. But the competition here is fierce, and the positions change all the time.
Oops, big misunderstanding and maybe a little costly, too! Good one, Peter, and great picture of the three “commenters!” I hope Doron gets a chance at winning and living happily ever after! 🙂
Thanks, Lauren. I think that’s Doron’s major goal in life, to be the first commenter here so that he can retire a Wombanian winner.
Lauren should become the ‘First Lady’…
Binky Bedilia at your service.
I had never heard of Amelia Bedelia, but it does fit!
I came here earlier this morning Peter (as I’m home from work sick today) thinking I could get the jump on Loon but alas there was no new comic to comment on…
Sorry to hear you’re sick, Tony. I hope you get better soon. My cartoons come out 12:00 AM EDT, which I think should be 2:00 PM your time.
Tony I set here for months… always fall asleep at 2:00 PM… Peter forgot we have siesta! But one day…
It’s a lot harder for you, Doron, as I think my cartoons post at 4:00 AM your time.
Chris, I thought you knew… Specificity is the rule.
Around here, Wombies are the rule.
At least you are getting used to it now 🙂
I think I should just move into the basement.
It could be your own personal pouch.
And I think I could use a nice safe pouch about now.
Chris should be more specific when talking to the wombies
Exactly. If he had said what he meant, there would have been no problem.
Or maybe you are the one who can do good by asking him to be more specific 😉
I suppose I should have. It’s hard to rely on humans.
I am trying to win the last commenter award
And I think you’ve won it.
(Little V) Yay! I am going to win!
Binky, don’t use rockets to blow up the tire; use your mouth like you blow up balloons!
I think that might be hard to do! Tires have such a small valve stem to blow into.
Binky only did only what he was told. lol
Humans rarely say what they really mean.