Great dietary idea Fraz but it’s come at a bad time. I have put myself on a choc-free diet to try & lose weight. I think if you are gunna reamin a chocolatarian you may want to get Chris to take out Vetinary dental cover…
P.S. You took out top spot as my commenter of the week & have earned an honorary blog ad in my sidebar for a week. In case you wondered where I got your 125 x 125 logo from I pinched it from Bearman. I better go & let him know & hope he doesn’t sue me for everything I’ve got. Which ain’t that much anyway…
Sorry to hear about your diet, Tony. That must be hard, but we could all probably benefit from eating less chocolate.
Thanks for the ad and the plug on your T.M. Comics blog.That’s very nice! I gave Bearman the banner anyway, so you shouldn’t worry. If he sues you, we’ll mount a Wombie defense.
I have a research study link somewhere that shows chocolate calories are weight-gain neutral or something. I think that means they don’t count. At least that is what I am going with. I just finished 2 pieces of dark chocolate right before I read this comic!
He could easily become a chocoholic if he isn’t careful. Then he will have to go to meetin’s and stuff and tell embarrassing things about himself… Hey… that sounds like a family reunion.
Hahaha…. my wife would totally agree!
I’m more of a salty snack kinda’ dude… I usually have to be in the ‘right mood’ for chocolate. Although those bunnies do look pretty good…
I’ve tried chocolate-bacon candy bars twice. The first was kind of gross, but I think that’s because it was half melted. The second was pretty good, but I prefer pure dark chocolate.
Yea!! we finally have an official title for our diet. If the food peoples come after us, I suppose we will have to resort to using chocolate as a dressing, like chocolate covered carrots, or salads? So did Fraz get to eat all the bunnie ears, or did he share with the rest of the Wombie crew?
Go Fraz!
Chocolate all the way!
Chocolate bunnies! 🙂
If you put two chocolate bunnies together, will they make more?
Hmm… Wait, do these hypothetical bunnies still have their ears on?
Until someone starts to eat them, I think so.
Finally! A diet I can get behind!
An all you can eat chocolate diet would be easy to follow, but it probably wouldn’t be very helpful for weight control for humans.
It will get to your behind too. 🙂
Dermatologists love these type of people.
Then they should be pretty happy around this time of year.
Great dietary idea Fraz but it’s come at a bad time. I have put myself on a choc-free diet to try & lose weight. I think if you are gunna reamin a chocolatarian you may want to get Chris to take out Vetinary dental cover…
P.S. You took out top spot as my commenter of the week & have earned an honorary blog ad in my sidebar for a week. In case you wondered where I got your 125 x 125 logo from I pinched it from Bearman. I better go & let him know & hope he doesn’t sue me for everything I’ve got. Which ain’t that much anyway…
Sorry to hear about your diet, Tony. That must be hard, but we could all probably benefit from eating less chocolate.
Thanks for the ad and the plug on your T.M. Comics blog.That’s very nice! I gave Bearman the banner anyway, so you shouldn’t worry. If he sues you, we’ll mount a Wombie defense.
I have a research study link somewhere that shows chocolate calories are weight-gain neutral or something. I think that means they don’t count. At least that is what I am going with. I just finished 2 pieces of dark chocolate right before I read this comic!
I would certainly like to believe that, but it hasn’t seemed to work out that way for me in the past.
I would love to have that kind of diet!
Mommy told me that chocolate is sweet and yummy…but I have never tasted one
Chocolate probably isn’t very good for turtles so I think you’d be better off sticking to plants and vegetables, Kame.
Ha! A chocolatarian! Funny Stuff!
Funny until he overdoses on chocolate.
He could easily become a chocoholic if he isn’t careful. Then he will have to go to meetin’s and stuff and tell embarrassing things about himself… Hey… that sounds like a family reunion.
Yes, we wouldn’t want that. Like most things, chocolate should be enjoyed in moderation or else you may have to suffer the consequences.
Wait, wombies eat meat? What kind?
Mostly Spam, which may or may not be actually meat.
Spam is a delicacy in Hawaii.
Must be the heat.
It could be a solid plan, however, fraz would be denying himself the joys of pizza!
Very true! Pizza would have to be an exception.
I could go on this type of eating regime too. Yummy.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
It could prove to be a popular diet. I think I should write a book.
If Fraz is interested in kinetic gastronomy, he can set up one of those chocolate fountain thingies.
What’s the adjective (like canine or feline) for wombies?
A chocolate fountain sounds good! As long as you don’t drown in it.
As far as a Wombie adjective, I would have to say “wombine”.
Chocolitarian? That sounds fantastic! You can count me in. 😀
Maybe we’d better invest in some chocolate stocks before everyone comes on board with the chocolate diet.
Hahaha…. my wife would totally agree!
I’m more of a salty snack kinda’ dude… I usually have to be in the ‘right mood’ for chocolate. Although those bunnies do look pretty good…
Yeah, I have to be in the right state of mind for chocolate, too. Conscious.
if only the stuff came in an I.V. drip, right?! 🙂
That’s right! Coffee and chocolate should both be available as an I.V.!
Right on Fraz!!! You go buddy!!
You don’t have to tell Fraz twice.
But next we’ll discover chocolate animals have feelings, too.
Chocolate animals only have feelings that they taste good.
mmm chocolate 😀
With more chocolate on top!
Could you make an exception for bacon? A chocolate and bacon diet sounds good
chocolate AND bacon ??? 😯
Dear Gawd – not both together, I hope !
They actually make chocolate covered bacon, believe it or not. I have never tried it.
I’ve tried chocolate-bacon candy bars twice. The first was kind of gross, but I think that’s because it was half melted. The second was pretty good, but I prefer pure dark chocolate.
Yes, I think dark chocolate, without the bacon, sounds much more preferable.
Okay, a chocolate, bacon, and pizza diet, then.
I’ve been vegetarian for over thirty years and have tried subsisting on chocolate and coffee a good few times. Very yummy but . . .
Yes, a coffee and chocolate diet probably has a few unwanted side effects. Sleeping probably isn’t one of them.
Are you on Facebook or Twitter? I was wanting to follow if so.
Kind of. I’m Wombie@twitter but I almost never tweet. And I’m under that PM guy’s name on Facebook, but rarely go there anymore either.
I’m officially off the caveman diet an becoming a chocolatarian
The chocolatarian diet is much more civilized approach to eating. Not to mention tastier.
Tix’s best friend Susan would highly approve of this diet.
I think a lot of people would be willing to follow this diet, but I don’t think it’d help most. Unless you’re a Wombie.
Yea!! we finally have an official title for our diet. If the food peoples come after us, I suppose we will have to resort to using chocolate as a dressing, like chocolate covered carrots, or salads? So did Fraz get to eat all the bunnie ears, or did he share with the rest of the Wombie crew?
Chocolate-covered vegetables sound pretty good. Chocolate glaze and chocolate sauce on everything!
Fraz ate all those bunny ears himself as that’s his own Easter chocolate collection. The other Wombies all have their own supply of Easter goodies.