Contemplating Cookies
A universe filled with cookies is a good universe, indeed.
Our friend Doron painted a portrait of Fraz in his Sherlock Fraz guise complete with his overcoat, deerstalker hat, magnifying glass, and licorice pipe. You can read about his investigation and where it led him on Doron’s Sherlock Fraz post on his blog.
I was thinking Chocolate Stars. Dunno if they’re available in your part of the world but they are star shaped chocolates with coconut in them. Lovely
The fudge and pineapple ones are nice too Tony, but if you really want to impress the ladies try the Super Bongo Honcho Banana variety, I don’t know why but they always make the ladies swoon with excitement…
Whoa just the thought of Super Bongo Honcho Banana Chocolate Stars are making me swoon with excitement too Andro
I thought that they would but eat them sparingly or you will be full in no time 🙂
That doesn’t apply to me! I’m never full!
I knew that 🙂
Here have some
of these Apple
and Custard sweets,
they are yummy 🙂
They are! Thanks Andro. You can have some of my chocolate truffles if you like.
I certainly will, and thank you Winky 🙂
Fudge ones too? I need to find some Chocolate Stars!
You will love the taste Winky 🙂
I know I will!
We don’t have Chocolate Stars here. They sound pretty yummy though! Maye I should make some myself.
Maybe the stars are made out of white chocolate.
My stars are!
So are mine 🙂
Maybe your white chocolate stars are the same as mine!
Milky Ways 🙂
I like just about any kind of chocolate bar!
They are, we like to share 🙂
Sharing makes treats taste even better!
They sure do, here have some of these ghoul-toffees they are a creation by a wayward skeleton but surprisingly they areabsolutely delicious 🙂
They’re kind of scary looking, but they do taste good.
You guys must live in the country or you took a trip away from the city to see stars like that. City lights always make stars less shiny.
Everyone should be able to see the nighttime stars. They are awe inspiring.
I like Winky’s way of thinking!
It’s the Cookie Theory of the universe!
I prefer that to the Big Bang Theory :OP
Me too! And it’s much more yummy, too!
Who’s Watson?
That’s Fraz Watson 🙂
No it’s Sherlock Fraz and Winky Watson!
What about Binky and Twink? 🙂
I dunno. They’re always too busy to have fun with Winky and me.
Binky likes his rockets and Twink is always too busy making pancakes for you and Fraz, so I guess there isn’t much time for dressing up. Never mind you look good as Sherlock 🙂
Winky and me are going to investigate the disappearance of our neighbor’s dog!
It must be a very small dog but I am sure that you two will find it and there could be a chocolate reward for finding it 🙂
We found it! The dog was at the park with some other dogs!
That’s a good place for dogs to be if they wanna have fun
He plays everyone with
his snazzy disguises Dave 🙂
I can be anyone! Even president maybe!
You look more important the the pres in in limo that he does!
Really? I hope everyone votes for me on election day then!
Me too, Fraz! It would be their loss if they don’t get you in office!
I think I could make everyone a lot happier if I got voted president!
I know you would!
Maybe my slogan should be “FRAZ: Makes people happy!”
That would be politically correct. 🙂
And hopefully get me elected too!
I always vote for you Fraz 🙂
I know I can count on you Andro! But I need everyone’s else’s vote!
We need another campaign 🙂
Like a free chocolate for everyone campaign?
Yes and an ice cream, pancake, marshmallow, wine gums and milkshake one too 🙂
Free everything for everyone!
When I’m Sherlock, Winky is Waston! We make a good team. And we can solve any mystery!
Even the mystery to the universe? The game’s afoot!
It’s a cookie mystery! I love those kind!
I knew that it would be something edible that he was thinking about 🙂 Nice one Winky…
I guess I was a little bit hungry.
Don’t you mean a lot hungry?
Well maybe a lot! It’s hard not to be hungry when there’s all that space chocolate out there!
I sure gets the juices flowing for a cook don’t it!
I guess I am drooling a bit over all that chocolate up in the sky!
Ha, I left out the “t,” for It and the “ie,” for cookies. How u understand me sometimes is beyond me.
Ah, Winky, you got a little drool on the corner of your mouth….here’s a tissue.
You were probably just drooling over those space cookies too! It’s hard to type like that.
Did someone mention cookies? I want some too 🙂 Maybe we can all have a Wombie Cookie Party next 🙂
Now that you’ve mentioned it, we have to have one!
Deb will bring us some Wambo Spambo Burgers and Chocolate milkshakes and Twink will be busy making us some extra large pancakes, so it should be great 🙂
No time like the present! Let’s party.
I’ve brought 12 large trays of chocolate fudge, 300 dozen cookies, 2 kegs of chocolate milkshake, 16 triple chocolate layer cakes with extra cream frosting. 50 dozen donuts, and enough pancakes for everyone to have before the feast!
I almost forgot. I have 500 wambo-spambo burgers with all the trimmings!
Wow, that sounds like enough for everyone, Deb. Even me! But I bring lots of chocolates just to be sure!
Better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it!
Yeah you can never have too much food!
Wow 500 spambo Wambo Burgers, what a great feast 🙂 But will there be enough for everyone else Deb, those I take it are just for me and Winky 🙂 xxxx
The truth be known, I had to wipe the corner of my mouth too.
It’s hard not to drool over chocolate chip space cookies!
That’s Binky getting all technical on Winky but unfortunately all he can see is cookies and lots of them 🙂 Great cartooning Peter and thanks for the entertainment 🙂
Thanks, Andro. Winky always sees cookies in everything.
I think he dreams of them too, or counts them to fall asleep
I count cookies as I eat them to fall asleep!
Here are some cookies for you to count tonight. There are….well, you count them and tell me how many in the morning….hint, it’s a bottomless barrel.
Bottomless is good because it’s sometimes hard to go to sleep when I know there are more cookies to count!
Well, it’s bottomless so you’ll fall asleep before you can count them all, but let me know how many you counted till you fell asleep.
I don’t know, I’m still counting!
In the morning, Winky…tell me in the morning. 🙂
Oh, okay. I’ll try to remember.
Yes I noticed that a long time ago 🙂 lol
That’s a very sophisticated look, and I love it. 🙂
I take all my investigations seriously!
I am all about the chocolate chip universe! I’d dunk my cookies in the Milky Way any day.
I’d like to do that too! Milky Way chocolate chip cookies sound awesome!
A long way to travel for a cookie, Winky! 😉
I’d walk a million miles for a cookie!
Or you can just sit down and let me serve you some…passing the cookie tray to you now.
I like that a lot better!
I thought you would!
Hey, you want to come over for dinner tonight? Fraz will be delivering me pizzas. I’ll ask him to double the toppings for us!
Oh boy! Do I! I’ll bring some Belgian truffles for desert!
That sound awesome to me, Winy! We’ll have a great time and as you know, I always have room for one more Wombie….make it and over-nighter and we’ll have a pancake frenzy in the morning! 🙂
I’m on my way! You can’t keep me away from a pancake frenzy!
That was a blast, stay one more night so we can do it all over again! Today is Pancake Tuesday and tomorrow we can add waffles too!
Waffle Wednesday? I’m all for that!
And you can have all you want too! With lots of butter and syrup….maybe even some ice cream on them….mmm
I can’t wait for Wednesday! I think I’ll go to sleep early tonight!
You our to be very hungry then!
I was pretty hungry when I woke up but all your waffles filled me up!
I’m way more like Winky. I’m just saying. Bwahahahahahaha.
Have a fabulous day. 🙂
So am I!
I sense another moon chocolate run coming on soon!
We definitely need some more darkside of the moon chocolate for Easter!
Then it’s settled. I’ll have Dink, Chewy, Shadow and Buzz wash down the moon chocolate trailer for the trip.
I’ll tell Binky to get his rocket ready for the trip!
I’ll ask Tink to help Twink fix him some snacks for the trip!
I hope we can blast off pretty soon!
Me too, Winky!
Love Doron’s Sherlock Fraz painting….so cool!
Doron made Fraz look quite sophisticated!
He certainly did!
I’m dropping off enough chocolate chip cookies to fill up Winky’s belly, and to feed all his friends!…Of course I’m leaving milkshakes too!
Oh boy! Was that what that dump truck was?
Sure was!…Enjoy, but save me just one cookie!
I will! But you better get over here soon because they’re too tempting not to eat!
Okay, I’ll eat my cookie now…nom, nom, nom….gulp.
Hey, guess what I brought with me….a triple chocolate cake for you to eat for dessert after you finish your cookies!…and 3 gallon of chocolate milk!
I needed some desert for lunch! I’ve been working hard to make some new Easter chocolates.
I’m officially putting in my Easter order now!
It’s a good idea to be ahead of the crowd!
I got a feeling your going to have a lot of big orders this year. 🙂
I’m already running my factory at top speed, so I hope I can make enough Easter chocolates for everyone!
No worries, you make it just in time with chocolate to spare for yourself!
I hope so! There’s so many people and Wombies to make Easter chocolates for this year!
I can send my clan over to help you!
That would be good! I could use the extra help. And they can eat all the chocolate they want, too!
I’m sure they’ll eat all you put in front of them…and anything they see behind you!
Well hopefully not everything in my factory because we’re supposed to be making Easter chocolates for everyone else!
They’re nuclear fusion delicious!
They are! They explode with flavor in your mouth!
Now I am hungry. Anyone up for a cookie run?
I am! As long as it’s not too far a run.
It’s clear that Winky must prefer ‘WHITE’ chocolate chip cookies! W.C.C.
My favorite kind of chocolate chip cookie is the kind I’m eating!
It’s all good, isn’t it Winky!
If it’s chocolate, it has to be good!
Oooo, chocolate chip cookies, now they’re definitely stars in the making , Winky, white chocolate’s a favourite too. Any left? 🙂 xx
Chocolate chip cookies are definitely stars in my book! There’s still some left but you’d better hurry!
There are a few left but I was thinking of eating them, but don’t worry ma Lady I always share my cookies, besides I’m not anything like that cheeky Parker, he would have scoffed the lot 🙁 xxxx
There’s still enough cookies left for both of you so don’t worry!
Phew!!! thank goodness for that, Winky, I was begining to worry… 🙂 and Andro? I’ve put Parker on a strict diet, no cookies for him, I’LL have them all!! Choke!!! xx
Nothing to worry about! And if you need help eating your cookies, you can always count on me to help!
Deep thoughts are a very tricky thing.
Chocolate thoughts are a lot easier though!
well, they sorta melt in the mouth, Winky, ordinary thoughts sometimes leave a bad taste eh? xx
I’m not really sure. I’m don’t think I ever have ordinary thoughts.
And comets are potato chips!
Yes and Milky Ways are… Milky Ways 🙂
I think that’s where they get them from, isn’t it?
and hundreds and thousands on top
Don’t forget the Mars Bars Winky 🙂
I Don’t think I’d ever forget those!
Chocolate chips?
I’ll take the potato chips. You can have the comets, Denny!
More like vanilla chips and macadamia nuts.
They make yummy cookies, too!
“Uhhh,” Ogre said, “Maybe C-A-T really spells dog.”
~Revenge of the Nerds II
It does? I guess you should know.
Reverse chips!!1
More chocolate and less cookie! I can deal with that!
Is that an actual smoke pipe or one of those bubble pipes that Fraz has in his mouth?
It’s a licorice pipe! A bubble pipe would be good too!
Ah, Winky, now I know why I love the stars so much! Great job, Peter! 🙂
Stars are a lot tastier than a lot of people think!
Well, now I know, Winky, and I’m sure many have no idea! Chocolate chips rock! 🙂
They sure do! Especially when they’re in yummy cookies or pancakes or muffins or brownies or just about anything!
Winky may not know much about the origin of the Universe, but he knows what he likes!
I think the universe might have started out as a big chocolate chip cookie!
I wonder if there are cookies on other planets?
If there are other planets, there has to be cookies on them. How could a planet exist without cookies?
Good point 🙂
It’s easy for me to think like a cookie.
Cookies are pretty deep. If you make them right.
I always love Winky’s POV on the universe than Binky’s 😉
My view is a lot more yummy than Binky’s!
Though I have never tried a cookie…I have to agree it sound yummier than Binky’s
Maybe you could get mommy to make you some cookies out of seaweed or something.
I had veggie jelly once in a while 😉
That sounds good!
Vanilla chips and chocolate cookies! 😀
The more chocolate in chocolate chip cookies the better!
The glistening of light on the chocolate chip. 🙂
That’s the best kind of light!
Does anyone have a blowtorch? can’t see a thing with so much chocolate on magnifying glass…
I’ll chip it off for you. We wouldn’t want that chocolate to go to waste!
I’ve always thought talking about the universe was kinda scary so thank you Winky!!
I always like to look at things from the cookie perspective. That’s not scary at all!
You know…though I tend to be more a Binky when I think…after reading the conversation between then two of them, something is telling me that the secret to life could be in what Winky said.. 🙂
Binky’s a lot smarter than I am, but I bet my tummy is a lot happier!