Where The Books Are
There’s a place for everything, and everything should be in its place. Wherever that may be.
The place for all our Wombie fan art is in our new gallery, now open to the public. Admission is free! And if you’d like to contribute a work of art yourself, we’d be glad to showcase it here.
There is just a little over a week until Wombat Day, so make sure you stock up on wine gums and chocolate for the most important day of the year, October 22!
Discussion (77) ¬
The truth is never sarcastic. Just very helpful Lovely scenic background.
Sometimes the truth hurts.
The background is a park near here.
The truth can seem to be sarcastic for kids. hehe
Have a great day 🙂
That’s very true. The truth can also seem sarcastic when it’s something we don’t want to hear.
Isn’t Winky whacking them with a hammer?
Yup last time I remember,Winky was hammering them
Actually I was hammering my own book, but I’d be happy to hammer Fraz’s books, too, if he can find them.
Maybe they are hiding? No one likes to be hammered 🙂
I always hammer them gently.
Winky Whacking….hahahahahah This is a PG cartoon loon!!!!
Bearman, go sit in the corner!!
Yes, before you go blind 🙂
You too, Loon! Corner!
Sorry 🙁 My Bad?
Yes, but I guess I can forgive you.
It was Bearman’s fault, he started it 🙂
And that’s why Bearman’s still in the corner!
Silly sausage, Bearman 🙂
It’s lonely in the corner…send the loon back. At least her farting on passerby’s is entertaining.
I think I need to clean my corner of both of you! Go home and don’t come back unless you bring chocolates!
What exactly are you saying Twink?? I am an innocent little turtle,I don’t understand sarcasm that much
One day, when you grow up, you’ll appreciate the art of sarcasm and how to get your way with it.
Sarcasm is an innate part of motherhood, I think!
Sarcasm can be the best way to get your point across. Unless no one gets it.
Bwahahahaha. Reminds me of my son in his younger years.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
Most kids would lose their heads if they weren’t attached!
Hey, I’m not sure if it was sarcasm, or an exercise in logic. Sometimes you can give a completely logical answer, which is also no help at all… (hmmm… come to think of it, I guess there is a hint of sarcasm in the mix there…)
There can be a lot of truth in sarcasm, if you know where to look.
Ouch. I think we have all heard this response before.
Having trouble finding your books, Chris?
Binky found this for you
That’s an amazing chart! The perfect expression of the relationship between chocolate bars and their ingredients.
It seems to me that Twink, or Sarcasm didn’t
help much here, but those books will turn up
eventually… I hope? 🙂
Tell me about it!
On the good side, though, I can’t do my homework if I can’t find my books!
Yes a good point that Fraz but we could all help you look for them if you want? After all your homework is very important and there could even be some Chocolate Cookies on offer for the one that finds them first? 🙂 Now how about that for a nice treat? 🙂
If you’re offering chocolate cookies as a reward, I might be able to find my books a lot faster.
Yes I thought the mention of some chocolate cookies might help, now I wonder who will find those books first and win the prize? 🙂
I’m hoping me!
If I lose my books again after finding them, does that still count?
This is one of the prettiest comics I’ve ever seen you create. So visually masterful! And funny! 😀
Thanks, George, but it’s really just a cheat. A photo background is most of it.
Hey, I like the background! Nice 🙂 Oh, and one more thing, yeah, sarcasm doesn’t help 😉
Sarcasm helps me from losing my temper! At least sometimes.
that’s usally where lost items are. lol
Yeah, until we remember where we lost them.
Reminds me of my dear old mum! LoL!!!
God Bless!
Mothers tend to be like that, don’t they?
Love the natural background, Binky!
I go through this same scenario with my kids ALLLL the time. Where’s my (insert whatever it is). I nag them to put things away properly, but nagging only makes me old. Sigh..
Speaking of which, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
I don’t think kids would grow up without being nagged. They’d probably forget to.
And thanks, Dishy!
I didn’t know that it was your
Birthday Binky and so,
Happy Birthday Binky 🙂
Thank you, Andro!
Fraz, you have been bitten by a female.
Yeah, and if I bite back, I get put in the corner!
Maybe you set them down near the kitchen? I would check by the front door and also on the kitchen chairs.
Maybe, but I think it might be better if I don’t find my books.
No homework, yay!!
Never get between Twink and her painting, Fraz! Amd what a lovely scenario she has to paint in, too!
Yeah, she likes her art better than me! At least she doesn’t yell at her paintings as much as she yells at me.
Did you ever find your school books and if so, did you actually use them. It takes hard work and determination to be a scholar like ol Mel. 😉
I’ve given up on finding my books and decided to eat chocolate instead. I guess I’ll never be a scholar like you. Well, maybe a chocolate scholar.
Fraz, you can learn how to become a Chocolatier!
That’s a GREAT idea!!
Chocolates by Fraz: The World’s Best!
Nice scenery! Looks like it’s fall for sure in Wombania. Hope Fraz found the books. I did the same to my phone last week and was able to call it a few times and locate it “exactly where” I last left it. Just glad it was not on vibrate.
I tried calling my books, “Here booky books!” but it didn’t work.
If you lose yourself, and then phone yourself on your phone, does that mean you’ve found yourself?
But in all seriousness, she’s right.
No, don’t take Twink’s side!!
I think some evil book fairy must have broken in and stole my school books!
I’m not so sure there is a place for everything. Years ago, my husband was standing in his closet and dropped his pocket knife. We looked everywhere for it, but it seemed to have disappeared in mid air. Years later, we replaced the carpeting. It was a full out effort where we had to remove everything from our closets and the carpet was ripped up. I KNEW we’d find it then. We didn’t. Doo doo doo.
Those kinds of experiences are very strange. Perhaps the place for some things isn’t in this world, but another dimension. It would explain a lot.
PS – Happy Birthday
Thanks, Joyce!
It seems to me this is all just a ploy, so that later on when he doesn’t do his home work he can say it was because he couldn’t find his books.
I’ll have to remember to do that the next time I don’t want to do my homework!
Wow, Happy Belated Birthday Binky!
Thanks, Chris!
Ha,ha,ha! Of course.
If you agree with Twink, it only makes it worse for me!
I have a few Fraz could borrow (It might take a while to shovel off all the dust, though)!
I hope you filled in all the answers!