That must be the easiest side hustle I’ve ever come across. Self generating income with barely any initial investment apart from the sign & a post to put it on. And everyone reading this strip has read the sign too….
Ummm…. Winky said he’d pay my share Fraz
Comedy Plus on Allowance Ransom: “Bwahahahahahaha. There’s not going to be a raise. I’m sure about that. Have a fabulous day and week. 🙂” Dec 9, 11:38
Fraz may have to sit in the corner again.
But at least I’ll have some cash!
I think Fraz may have invented an entirely new type crime.
Yep! And I could make a fortune!
That must be the easiest side hustle I’ve ever come across. Self generating income with barely any initial investment apart from the sign & a post to put it on. And everyone reading this strip has read the sign too….
Ummm…. Winky said he’d pay my share Fraz
I don’t believe Winky! You’d better pay me with PlayPal! Or else!
That’s one way to make money, Fraz! Good try!
Yeah, but Chris refuses to pay me!